The Swiss Baukultur Round Table came together in Zurich on 18 March 2025 to discuss the National Research Programme (NRP) “Baukultur”. Paola Viganò, President of the NRP’s Steering Committee, moderated the programme together with Caspar Schärer and Boris Buzek. The Round Table, hosted on this occasion by Archijeunes, also discussed the future development of, competitions as a form of living cultural heritage and current political matters and activities in which members are involved. The meeting came to a close with a guided tour of the “I LOVE CHALETS” exhibition at ZAZ Bellerive.
The Swiss National Science Foundation has selected 13 projects for the National Research Programme “Baukultur”. The winning projects span all of Switzerland’s language regions, cover all spatial scales from individual buildings to entire landscapes, and explore developments in cities, urban peripheries, conurbations, villages and rural areas. The projects will be conducted by a number of different universities in cooperation with various practice partners, thus enabling a big-picture view of the topic.
"Let's talk about places in Switzerland. Which place is important to you? Which place lacks something in your view?" This is the new "Case studies for Schoolchildren" feature. It opens up to a wider target audience: children and young people. The new tool was developed in cooperation with Lea Weniger from the Schwyz University of Teacher Education (PHSZ) in order to establish case studies on Swiss Baukultur in general education schools. It is now available to all interested parties.
On 19 March 2024 in Zurich, the Swiss Baukultur Round Table discussed how contemporary job profiles, attractive working conditions and educational opportunities in schools and universities can counteract the shortage of skilled workers. Oliver Martin, Head of the Baukultur Section at the Federal Office of Culture, presented the new Baukultur Action Plan, the status of the Cultural Message 2025-28 and the current fields of action of the Davos Baukultur Alliance. The round table, which was hosted by bauenschweiz this time, also discussed the further development of and the competition system as a living cultural heritage. The meeting was rounded off with a guided tour of the south wing of Zurich main station organised by SBB.
The leading organisations in the field of Baukultur welcome the present draft of the Cultural Message 2025–28. A high level of Baukultur is the key to sustainably designing our living environment. Its promotion and incorporation into law are therefore urgent and appropriate.
The following organisations support this basic position:
Caspar Schärer, Generalsekretär des Bundes Schweizer Architektinnen und Architekten, wies darauf hin, dass Lärm nicht als Rekurs- und Blockademittel gegen eine qualitätsvolle Innenentwicklung missbraucht werden dürfte. Damian Jerjen, Direktor von EspaceSuisse, machte auf Unterschiede bei der Lärmbekämpfung in der West- und Deutschschweiz aufmerksam.
Weitere Themen des Runden Tischs waren die Davos Baukultur Alliance, die nächste Kulturbotschaft, der neue Aktionsplan Baukultur, die gesetzliche Verankerung von Baukultur, die Klimaoffensive Baukultur sowie die Denkmaltage 2023, die im September zu Entdeckungen in der ganzen Schweiz einladen, dieses Jahr unter dem Motto «Reparieren und Wiederverwenden».
The private sector has great influence on our designed living environment.
The special publication «Erfolgsfaktor Baukultur» (“Baukultur as success factor”), released on 30 September 2022, examines projects by institutional investors: traditional architecture in place of a shuttered cinema in the Old City of Berne, a centre of Alpine culinary heritage housed in a converted monastery in Stans, the new corporate headquarters of the Baloise insurance group in Basel, and the transformation of the former paper mill in Cham. The reflections revolve around the eight criteria of the Davos Baukultur Quality System: governance, functionality, environment, economy, diversity, context, sense of place, and beauty.
«Erfolgsfaktor Baukultur» (“Baukultur as success factor”)
In the run-up to the second conference of European ministers of culture on Baukultur 2023 in Davos, the Federal Working Group Baukultur and the Swiss Baukultur Round Table met as national stakeholders for a joint workshop in Bern on 16 June 2022.