von Davos

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Every one of us is part of the Baukultur. We shape the designed living environment, and it shapes us. The question of high-quality Baukultur is therefore also always a question of: “How do we want to live?” And: “How do we solve pressing social challenges?”

The “Baukultur Switzerland” web platform fosters discourse on the designed living environment. It links actors from the local to the international level and is conceived as a platform for knowledge, exchange and inspiration.

The web platform is a project in the making. Behind the “Baukultur Switzerland” website are the Swiss Baukultur Round Table (founded in 2010), the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) and the Federal Office of Culture (FOC).

The core participants of “Baukultur Switzerland” include:

Claudia Schwalfenberg
Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA)
Head of Core Issues Dept.
Responsible for Baukultur

Anne Pfeil
Federal Office of Culture (FOC)
Head of Policy and Projects

Caspar Schärer
Federation of Swiss Architects (BSA-FAS)
Secretary General

Regula Steinmann

Regula Steinmann
Swiss Heritage Society (SHS)
Head of Baukultur

Norbert Russi
Team Settlement Development Consultancy

Patrick Schoeck-Ritschard

Patrick Schoeck-Ritschard
Association of Swiss Landscape Architects (BSLA)
General Manager

Eveline Althaus
Managing Director

Andrea Schaer
Swiss Cultural Hertage Network
Research Fellow for Politics and Continuing Education

Daniel Klos

Daniel Klos
Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA)
Specialist for Core Issues, Baukultur and SIA Master Prizes

Baukultur Switzerland - case studies, Baukultur examples