von Davos

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Every one of us is part of the Baukultur. We shape the designed living environment, and it shapes us. The question of high-quality Baukultur is therefore also always a question of: “How do we want to live?” And: “How do we solve pressing social challenges?”

The “Baukultur Switzerland” web platform fosters discourse on the designed living environment. It links actors from the local to the international level and is conceived as a platform for knowledge, exchange and inspiration.

The web platform is a project in the making. Behind the “Baukultur Switzerland” website are the Swiss Baukultur Round Table (founded in 2010), the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) and the Federal Office of Culture (FOC).

The core participants of “Baukultur Switzerland” include:

Claudia Schwalfenberg
Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA)
Head of Core Issues Dept.
Responsible for Baukultur

Anne Pfeil
Federal Office of Culture (FOC)
Head of Policy and Projects

Caspar Schärer
Federation of Swiss Architects (BSA-FAS)
Secretary General

Regula Steinmann

Regula Steinmann
Swiss Heritage Society (SHS)
Head of Baukultur

Norbert Russi
Team Settlement Development Consultancy

Patrick Schoeck-Ritschard

Patrick Schoeck-Ritschard
Association of Swiss Landscape Architects (BSLA)
General Manager

Eveline Althaus
Managing Director

Andrea Schaer
National Information Centre for Cultural Heritage (NIKE)
Research Fellow for Politics and Continuing Education

Daniel Klos

Daniel Klos
Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA)
Specialist for Core Issues, Baukultur and SIA Master Prizes

Baukultur Switzerland - case studies, Baukultur examples
Autowaschanlage, Duggingen – alltäglicher Siedlungsrand

Car wash, Duggingen – everyday edge of settlement

Baukultur Switzerland2023
© Christian Flierl


Who is responsible for maintaining the quality of the place?


Who is responsible for maintaining the quality of the place?

With around 30 locations from Basel to Lugano, Softcarwash is one of the largest car wash operators in Switzerland. Softcarwash is a franchise company that grants licences to franchisees. The various facilities are operated by different companies. Its various sites are similar in both the services they offer and the physical form they take.


Is the place safe for its users?


Is the place safe for its users?

For reasons of space and ease of access by car, almost all of the company’s car wash facilities are located outside major conurbations. This is also the case with the facility in Duggingen, around ten kilometres south of Basel. Located directly on the A18 motorway, it is ideal for motorists who want to reach the site quickly and easily. There is no danger in using the automatic car wash, the self-wash bays or the vacuum cleaning stations. Only when there is heavy traffic should care be taken when entering and leaving the wash bays.


Is the place distinguished by durable construction and little need for maintenance?


Is the place distinguished by durable construction and little need for maintenance?

The automatic car wash is housed in an elongated white metal box with an opening on each of the short sides for entry and exit. The box sits on a slim concrete base that compensates for any unevenness in the terrain. The cladding of the box is made up of vertical metal panels all round, which are edged at the top, bottom and corners by additional metal trim. Along one long side of the car wash box, under a large roof and subdivided by partitions, are the self-wash bays and the vacuum stations. The design and construction are simple and functional, yet meticulous.


Is the place affordable thanks to economy of design, construction and operation?


Is the place affordable thanks to economy of design, construction and operation?

When located in an industrial area, the company’s car wash facilities are always built similarly. The design can be transferred to a new location without much planning or adaptation. Conceptually, each car wash is like a prefabricated house, so it is more product than architecture. The economic efficiency comes from the multiple application of the same design.


Does the place hinder the separation of different social classes?


Does the place hinder the separation of different social classes?

Car washes are used by people who care about their vehicle and its appearance. This need cuts across all social classes and age groups. However, it is noticeable that the facilities are used predominantly by men.


Is the place in dialogue with the landscape, urban fabric, colours and materials?


Is the place in dialogue with the landscape, urban fabric, colours and materials?

The car wash in Duggingen is located in an industrial area. The motorway is close by and there is a petrol station on one side and a supermarket on the other. In between is a large car park. It is a place where services are provided, as is typically found on the outskirts of a settlement: a no-man’s-land behind a hill, with single-family houses and well-kept gardens spread out in front.

Sense of Place

Does the place foster connectedness with nature and the landscape?

Sense of Place

Does the place foster connectedness with nature and the landscape?

It is astonishing how close together natural space and road space are here. The Birs flows right next to the industrial zone. Both of its banks are densely vegetated and hardly accessible. Fields stretch out beside the river before the village begins.


Do people perceive the place as beautiful?


Do people perceive the place as beautiful?

Ordinary, commonplace, mundane – this is how the car wash and its surroundings could be described. It is the kind of place that exists on the outskirts of many settlements. Pragmatically designed, pragmatically used. For some it may be a non-place, for others a meeting place, and for others, simply reality.